Lunch Box Idea - Japanese Curry with Thick Rice Noodle

Lunch Box Idea - Japanese Curry with Thick Rice Noodle.

Combining Japanese Curry with Thick Rice Noodle (commonly known as laksa noodle) gave a fresh combination taste.

The Thick Rice Noodle will soak up all the Japanese Curry leaving the Rice Noodles a bold Japanese Curry aroma. 

How to prepare:
Cook your Japanese Curry as per package instructions.  I used Japanese Curry cube for this. 

Rinse the Thick Rice Noodles and drained. Add the Thick Rice Noodles in a separate pan then add the Japanese Curry into the pan. Stir till all rice noodles covered with Japanese Curry then dish into your kunch container and out it in the fridge till you're ready to bring it to work.

Add some Furikake (Rice Seasoning) for extra flavour.


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