Lunch Box Idea - Soup noodles

Lunch box Idea - Soup Noodle

Today I will show you how to have piping hot soup noodle in office.
I using left over prawn noodle soup from dinner.

Prawn Noodle

Prepare yellow noodle without cooking, or you will get soggy noodles after steaming.

Blanched the veg, prawn or any of your favourite ingredients and place in your lunch box
Do note do not fully cook your prawn if you're using prawn as one of the ingredient.

Add in your favourite condiments, fried shallots with oil, pepper etc.... then put inside the fridge. 

Boiled your soup and put it in a container, wait for it to cool down before putting in the fridge. 

When you're in office, pour the soup into the bowl and steam heat with your lunch box steamer for 30 min.

Voila!! Hot soup noodle for lunch in the comfort of your office.


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